A Common Reason Charities Get Deleted from Estate Plans—Don’t Let It Happen to You

A Common Reason Charities Get Deleted from Estate Plans—Don’t Let It Happen to You

Staying in touch with donors—even when they stop communicating with you—is vital to your planned giving success. Read More +

The Pentera Blog

A Common Reason Charities Get Deleted from Estate Plans—Don’t Let It Happen to You

A Common Reason Charities Get Deleted from Estate Plans—Don’t Let It Happen to You

Staying in touch with donors—even when they stop communicating with you—is vital to your planned giving success.

Research Supports the Value of Educating Your Donor Base About Philanthropy

Research Supports the Value of Educating Your Donor Base About Philanthropy

It is easy to become hyper-focused on data, such as the response rate from a marketing campaign. But this overlooks something at least as important: the…

Webinar 3/18: Shari Fox, “Opportunities for Generosity: Leveraging Donors’ Special Circumstances”

Webinar 3/18: Shari Fox, “Opportunities for Generosity: Leveraging Donors’ Special Circumstances”

In this webinar, Shari Fox looks at real world financial situations individuals may find themselves in and explores the ways charitable giving can…

New Study Shows Giving to Women’s and Girls’ Causes Increasing

New Study Shows Giving to Women’s and Girls’ Causes Increasing

Charities that primarily serve women and girls received $8.8 billion in philanthropic support in 2020—a 9.2% increase over the previous year…

Are You Putting Your Donors’ Bequest Intentions in Jeopardy?

Are You Putting Your Donors’ Bequest Intentions in Jeopardy?

By including your organization in their will, a donor is elevating your organization to the level of “family” in their mind. Good stewardship…

Webinar 1/22: Joseph O. Bull, “Stress Testing Your Gift Agreements and Naming Policies”

Webinar 1/22: Joseph O. Bull, “Stress Testing Your Gift Agreements and Naming Policies”

In this Pentera Webinar, Joe Bull, J.D., offers ways to create planned gift documents that are “stress tested” against future problems…

The Women You Know Hold the Key to Your Planned Giving Success

The Women You Know Hold the Key to Your Planned Giving Success

Your planned giving marketing strategy should focus on the women most involved with and committed to your organization…

Opportunity Is Knocking: Now’s the Time to Capitalize on the Anticipated Increase in Estate Gifts

Opportunity Is Knocking: Now’s the Time to Capitalize on the Anticipated Increase in Estate Gifts

Nonprofits should start thinking now how to best take advantage of an anticipated rise in charitable estate gifts forecast in a new study by the Lilly…

Is Your Organization Going to Miss Out on the Impending Increase in Planned Gifts?

Is Your Organization Going to Miss Out on the Impending Increase in Planned Gifts?

Now may be the perfect time for nonprofits to ramp up their planned giving marketing because affluent American households appear poised to increase their…