The Pentera Blog

5 Donor Stewardship Tips

by Chandra Towers Blatt, Pentera Marketing Consultant, East Coast Mid-Atlantic Region

1. Discover your donors, and cultivate the relationship

Discover your donors' likes and dislikes, and make mental (and written) notes. Then find a common bond, and form your connection. The more connections you make with your donors, the more at ease you and your donors will feel.

2. "R-E-S-P-E-C-T–find out what it means to me"

If you respect your donors and help them feel worthwhile and useful, it will strengthen their connection to your organization and to you.

3. You don't have to wear a lampshade on your head, but …

A recognition event should excite donors about your organization, but also be sure to make it memorable. When your donors exit the event room, they should feel absolutely energized about your organization.

4. Say "thank you" again, and again, and again, and again, and …

Let your donors know that you value them, and never let them forget it.
It doesn't matter if your donor lives 1 or 1,000 miles away; you can actively steward through two simple words–thank you–and acts that relay those two simple words.

5. Say you'll stay in touch, and mean it

Keep your donors "in the know." Be sure to send them integrated marketing communications, both print- and Internet-based, about your organization that include general information, behind-the-scenes information, and current planned giving content.

Want to read more about these tips in depth? Watch for Chandra's donor stewardship article, "Tips and Tools from the Frontlines," in the upcoming issue of Pentera's Planned Giving Insider.

For additional donor stewardship ideas or information on Pentera's integrated planned giving marketing programs, visit, call 317.875.0910 x251, or e-mail