The Pentera Blog

Does Your Web Site Overload Your Donors?

Your planned giving Web site can be a valuable tool to educate your potential donors about your organization and motivate them to support your mission. By following best practices for the design and layout of your site, you increase the chances that you will catch the attention of those potential donors and draw them further into the site for more information. But does your Web site look the same to your donors as it does to you?

While your site may appear perfectly when you view it, many factors can affect how it ultimately looks to your potential donors. Since they won't all be using the same browser or connection speed, it's important to plan your site's content so users won't be overloaded. For example, a donor with a slow Internet connection would have a difficult time loading large images, flash files, and PDFs. That donor may become frustrated at the time it takes your site to load and decide to find the information they need elsewhere.

By avoiding those pieces that may cause potential problems for users with slower connections, you ensure that your planned-giving Web site can serve its purpose for all–to educate, motivate, and inspire your potential donors to support your organization and its mission.

For more information about Web site best practices, please contact us at, 317.875.0910 x251, or visit