The Pentera Blog

Endowment Report Can Bolster Your Donors' Confidence

The markets are up - what does that mean for your endowment? Has it recovered from hitting bottom in 2009? Is it still gaining lost ground?

If your endowment is doing well or is on the mend, reporting that news to donors can give them confidence in your ability to manage the gifts they entrusted to your endowment.

In such a report to donors and prospects, you could explain the market crash's effect on your endowment and the status of your endowment today. You could highlight the expertise and experience of the investment advisors who guide your endowment. Perhaps those investment advisors could explain their investing strategy and their guiding principles for navigating turbulent economic times in a Q&A-type article.

If you feel good about where your endowment is now and where it's headed, you should consider preparing a special "after the crash" endowment report.

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