The Pentera Blog

A Fix for "Lack of Time" Concern

The biggest communications challenge of nonprofits is "lack of time to produce quality content," according to a recent survey of more than 2,000 charities. That quality content largely comes in the form of Web pages, e-mail marketing, and print marketing - all components of Pentera's integrated marketing strategy for planned giving.

Nonprofit Communications Trends 2014 was recently published by the Web site, the fourth year that the survey has been administered. A total of 2,135 nonprofits responded to the latest survey, 88 percent of them in the U.S.

Forty-two percent of the charities cited lack of time to produce quality content as their number one challenge with communications. Lack of budget was second at 37 percent, and in third place at 31 percent was lack of a clear strategy - which Pentera's marketing experts help clients develop.

The nonprofit leaders said that writing e-mail newsletter articles consumes more of their time than any other form of communication. Print newsletters and eNewsletters are part of Pentera's customized marketing campaigns that also include print and ePostcards and planned giving Web sites.

According to the survey, the six most important communications tools for nonprofits (out of 13 measured) are listed below. The percentage represents the nonprofits who said that the tool was very important or somewhat important.

Six Most Important Communications Tools for Nonprofits

Communications ToolVery Important or Somewhat Important
Web site
E-mail marketing
Social media
(other than blogging)
In-person events
Media relations/PR
Print marketing


Pentera clients save time on Web sites, e-mail marketing, and print marketing by utilizing the highest-quality content in the industry.

"If we tried to do this [marketing] in-house, I'd have to spend a lot of time editing and making sure everything is worded correctly," says one Pentera client. "I don't have those worries with Pentera. We can give them a concept, and they will make it be correct."

Contact Pentera today to see how our marketing expertise can save you time.