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Join Pentera in Celebrating Women in Philanthropy at Prestigious WPI Conference

Join Pentera at the #WomenLeading Philanthropy Symposium to explore how women have stepped into leadership in philanthropy as founders, in foundations, as entrepreneurs, and as researchers. Find out how today's female social entrepreneurs are shaping philanthropy.

The event will be held April 2-3 at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers. Pentera's president & CEO, Claudine A. Donikian, serves on the advisory council of the symposium sponsor, the Women's Philanthropy Institute (WPI) of the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.

"This is the fourth symposium sponsored by the Women's Philanthropy Institute, and the first three were not only sold out but truly shined the national spotlight on women's leadership in philanthropy," Donikian said. "This conference only happens every three years, and it behooves all of us who are passionate about this issue to be there."

Unique features of the symposium include:

  • Limited registration to ensure opportunity for small group discussion and networking.
  • Emphasis on the "why" and not the "how-to." This is a time to step back from the day-to-day demands and reflect on the changing philanthropic landscape.
  • Speakers who bring wide-ranging experiences and represent a broad cross-section of the philanthropy and business sectors.
The symposium will bring together philanthropists, activists, and scholars to facilitate a multi-faceted conversation about women, leadership, philanthropy, and impact. Participants will learn from and exchange ideas with the leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs in the field of philanthropy who effect social change in their communities and across the globe.

The 20 sessions over two full days include topics such as:

  • The difference women's leadership makes across sectors.
  • Perspectives about how the philanthropic landscape has changed as a result of women's leadership.
  • How women exercise philanthropic leadership in families.
  • How women are innovating and experimenting in philanthropy with funding, communications, and investment.
  • How to tell the story of women's philanthropic accomplishments for maximum impact.
  • Optimal conditions for fostering women's philanthropic leadership in the twenty-first century.
Discounted registration continues through March 5. Detailed information about the symposium is available at #WomenLeading Philanthropy.