The Pentera Blog

Survey Says!

People love giving their opinion. The only thing people like better than giving their opinion is knowing that the opinion that they give is valued. This truth is the key to getting your donors and prospects to read and keep your planned-giving newsletter.

By including a survey in your newsletter, you are saying to your donors and prospects, "I value what you think and how you feel. I value your opinion. You are important to me. Please help me. I need you." Many donors and prospects will not ignore your plea.

By including a special survey in your newsletter, in addition to increased readership you can also receive valuable feedback regarding what readers find interesting and valuable. You can ask readers to rate articles, donor stories, design, etc. You can leave a blank space for reader suggestions. To entice readers to return a completed survey to you, you might want to add a small incentive such as "the first twenty people to return this survey will receive XYZ" (small book, DVD, etc.), which makes the survey even more appealing.

The survey is a powerful tool that shouldn't be overlooked. It has the twofold benefit of increasing your planned-giving newsletter's readership and providing you with constructive information.

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