The Pentera Blog

Tap Nontraditional Donors for Today's Planned Giving

As the world rapidly becomes more and more connected through various social media channels—encompassing an ever-widening multicultural, global landscape—your planned giving office must stay abreast of current marketing trends and continually evolve to succeed in this expanding marketplace.

One way to do so is by re-examining your ideas regarding which donors might be interested in supporting your organization's mission. If your mind is stuck in an outdated planned giving model comprised strictly of older, white, wealthy males, then you are overlooking, and likely missing, a large number of potential donors.

Does your organization reach out to and cultivate these non-traditional donors?

  • Single women.
  • Racially and ethnically diverse populations such as Hispanic, Asian, and African-American donors.
  • The LGBTQ community and same-sex partners.
  • Younger donors.
Don't overlook the potential of these mostly untapped donor markets. With more businesses owned by women and minorities, a vastly more visible and vocal LGBTQ community, young tech-savvy entrepreneurs who are wealthy before they turn 30, and affluent single women, you need to guard against exclusionary donor criteria that could unduly narrow your field of planned giving prospects.

Make sure your planned giving marketing materials appeal to today's diverse donor populations. Use of inclusive photographs, selective crafting of newsletter content, and promotion of specific gift-planning vehicles can all be effective tools for reaching non-traditional market segments.

Let Pentera's experts help you create effective planned giving communications that reach all potential donors.