The Pentera Blog

Three Simple Ways to Encourage Donor Gifts

Like most things in life, philanthropy is learned. While people may readily appreciate your organization and the work that you do, they may not fully realize that planned giving can allow them to create and achieve visionary philanthropic goals, which they might have assumed was only for "rich philanthropists." They also may not know how various charitable gift options work to benefit both their family and your organization.

How can you convey the importance of philanthropy to your potential donors and motivate them to make charitable gifts? Below are three sure proof, simple methods.

1. Let people know how gifts make a difference.

Don't underestimate the power of the written word. Communicate your planned giving success stories through your marketing materials. For instance, impact stories in print or web newsletters are an excellent way to demonstrate the tangible results of charitable gifts. A student scholarship recipient or patient who benefited from a new medical procedure highlighted in a newsletter story clearly illustrates how the generosity of your donors impacts the lives of others. Such stories are strong testimonials for the need of philanthropic giving to help you accomplish your organizational mission.

2. Make use of role models.

"Following in the footsteps of others" may sound cliché. But potential donors like knowing other people share their values. They also feel reassured when they see that others have made similar gifts in the past that proved beneficial. Through donor stories, you can provide outstanding role models for charitable giving. For example, a young woman who makes a bequest to support her alma mater shows other young women that they don't have to wait until retirement to give back. Likewise, a physician who sets up a charitable gift annuity can demonstrate the many advantages of thoughtful gift planning. Role models are essential for female donors who may not hear as frequently about women philanthropists. With good role models to follow, your donors won't have to "reinvent the wheel" when planning their gifts.

3. Utilize public teaching opportunities.

Have you heard of the captive audience–those people forced to listen because of the situation? Why not change that notion to a donor-centric captivated audience? One way to do so is through real stories. A Legacy Society recognition event presents a wonderful opportunity for donor testimonials. Donors can share publically why they gave to your organization and what type of gift vehicle they selected. You
can also invite speakers to public events who can answer questions for donors on the financial and tax benefits of various gift options. Professionals in the field have a wealth of information they can impart to your potential donors–in fun and entertaining ways.

With these three steps, your donors see how philanthropy impacts the lives of others. They can then create their own enduring legacy by making charitable gifts to advance your mission.

Contact Pentera today to learn more about successful planned giving marketing strategies that produce superior results for your organization.