The Pentera Blog

Is Your Marketing Ready for the New Year?

With the end of 2010 quickly approaching, now is the perfect time to review and analyze your marketing strategy to ensure that your 2011 marketing plan is as effective as possible. While each of your marketing pieces, from planned-giving postcards to eNewsletters, has its own message and purpose, they also work together as a part of your overall integrated marketing campaign. But are you forgetting a key piece of the puzzle?

Your Pentera planned-giving Web site is a vital part of your overall integrated marketing campaign. Gone are the days when a donor's first action was to call you for more information on making a gift. With the Internet at their fingertips, it's important now more than ever to offer an online resource where potential donors can research gifts and contemplate the options that best suit their needs.

By strategically incorporating your planned-giving Web site URL into your marketing pieces, you are not only providing that resource but generating traffic to your site that can give you valuable information on the success of your marketing. By analyzing your site's analytics after each newsletter or postcard you mail that includes your URL, you can gauge how healthy your integrated marketing campaign is and how effective your marketing pieces are at delivering your message.

Remember, if you don't provide your potential donors with the information they need, someone else will. And when they are finally ready to commit to making a gift, who do you want them to think of?

For more information about Pentera's integrated marketing strategies, please visit, email, or call 317-875-0910 x251.