Presented by:
Joe Bull
Founder and Principal
Philanthropy Advisory Council, LLC
To anyone under the age of 50, high rates of inflation are something to be read about in the history books. Those over 50 are likely to have personal remembrances of long gas lines and double-digit home mortgage interest rates. With inflation rates currently at 40-year highs, many charitable gift planners and professional advisors are scrambling to determine how these higher inflation rates will impact both their organizations/practices and their donors/clients. This session will cover a basic economics lesson on how inflation works, how inflation affects philanthropy in general, and how gift planners and advisors can leverage higher inflation rates for the benefit of their donors/clients.
Joe Bull currently serves as vice president and chief advancement & alumni officer at Wilmington College and is the founder and principal of Philanthropy Advisory Council, LLC. With 37 years of experience in the philanthropic arena, he has held senior advancement leadership positions at Carnegie Mellon University, The Nature Conservancy, and the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. Joe provided 16 years of service to his alma mater, The Ohio State University, primarily as director of planned giving and has held gift planning positions at Duke and North Carolina State Universities. He is the president of the American Council on Gift Annuities and was the 2005 board chair of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners. As such, he is only the second person ever to have held the top leadership position at both of charitable gift planning's professional organizations. Joe was a member of the Planned Giving Today editorial advisory board for 15 years. He is admitted to the Ohio and North Carolina bars.
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