Presented by:
Jackie W. Franey & Lynn Malzone Ierardi, J.D.
More than 170 years ago, French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr observed, “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose,” or “the more things change, the more they stay the same.”
This now famous proverb reminds us that even in the most turbulent times, superficial changes do little more than lock the status quo more firmly in place. The world of gift planning is no different. The turbulence of the last few years and advances over the decades have triggered big changes in gift planning, yet, at a deeper level, the fundamentals have stayed the same.
In this session, two experienced professionals (with more than 60 combined years in gift planning) will share the changes they have observed during their careers and, more important, some of the strategies they have used consistently and successfully in a variety of gift planning scenarios.
Benefits of this session:
Jackie W. Franey is the founder of JW Franey Consulting, LLC. She previously served as the director of gift planning fundraising at The Nature Conservancy, leading an experienced team that secured over 1,900 planned giving commitments and more than $200 million a year in deferred gifts. Prior to joining TNC, she worked at the DMA, BNY Mellon, CFT, and Children’s Medical Center. She also served as the director of planned giving for the AHA–National Center for ten years and implemented a centralized marketing program that generated more than $100 million in annual income.
Jackie received the Charitable Gift Planners (CGP) Hall of Fame award in 2020. She served on the editorial advisory board of Planned Giving Today, has held leadership positions with CGP, been a national speaker and presenter, and enjoys mentoring others in the planned giving profession. She lives in North Carolina with her husband David and German Shepherd Grey.
Lynn Malzone Ierardi, J.D., has been in the estate and gift planning field for more than 30 years. She has served as director of gift planning for the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) since 2005 and as an independent gift planning consultant since 2002. Prior to joining Penn, she held gift planning positions in health and higher education, served as vice president with the Merrill Lynch Center for Philanthropy, and practiced estate planning and real estate law. Lynn served as the 2019 board chair of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners (CGP), is a member of the CGP Leadership Institute, and is a regular faculty member for the Planned Giving Course.
She has been a member of CGP since 1993. She is a past board member and past president of the New Jersey Council of Charitable Gift Planners and is a current board member of the Planned Giving Council of Greater Philadelphia (PGCGP). As a dynamic and highly rated speaker, Lynn has presented at conferences and meetings internationally on a variety of gift planning topics. Lynn is a graduate of Lycoming College and Fordham University School of Law and is a proud Penn parent—times two!
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