Pentera Webinar - Smart Planning for Retirement-Plan Assets: How to Avoid Heavy Taxes for Loved Ones by Making Charitable Gifts

Presented by:
Pamela Jones Davidson, J.D.
Davidson Gift Design

Webinar Description:

Donors are often unaware of mistakes made when they are making plans about what assets to distribute to family versus to their preferred charities. In this Webinar we will discuss the many benefits of making gifts of retirement plans to charity instead of to loved ones. We will discuss how inheriting qualified retirement plans can impose a heavy tax burden on loved ones because they will have to pay income taxes. But charitably inclined donors can reduce that burden by giving some percentage, or all, of their retirement assets to the charities of their choice - and leaving their loved ones other assets that have little or no tax burden. Retirement-plan gifts to charity are also attractive because they in no way reduce the amount available for use during the lives of the plan owner and spouse because the gift isn't made until death. And such gifts are revocable if necessary, with the ability to change beneficiaries accomplished easily - even online. Another creative use for retirement-plan assets we will discuss is that they can also be used to fund a charitable trust that can improve with the market and be funded pre-tax, giving income to loved ones for 20 years, for example, with the remainder going to charity.

About the Presenter:

Pamela Jones Davidson, J.D.

Pamela Jones Davidson, J.D., president of Davidson Gift Design in Bloomington, Indiana, is a consultant and charitable gift planner who is nationally recognized as a dynamic public speaker. She worked at the Indiana University Foundation from 1984 through 1996, leaving as its executive director of planned giving and its associate counsel. Ms. Davidson was president of the National Committee on Planned Giving (now the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners) in 1999 and served on its board for six years. Her consulting firm specializes in gift planning, planned giving program design and implementation, and training.



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