Pentera Webinar - Stewardship for Planned Gift Donors

Presented by:
Joe Bull
Founder and Principal
Philanthropy Advisory Council

Webinar Description:

Charitable gift planners face myriad demands on their time. There are not enough hours in the day to fully engage in all of those demands. All too often organizations place a priority on gift transactions, and the all-important stewardship activities of a gift planning office are downplayed or delayed. Studies show that the mean and median ages at death of those who make a charitable bequest are 87 and 89 and that the majority of those wills were written within five years of death. Inattention to the stewardship of your planned gift donors might be financially detrimental to your organization if those donors do not include your organization in their final will. In addition, adequately recognizing and stewarding your planned gift donors is just the right thing to do.

This webinar will examine the underpinnings of a solid planned giving donor relations effort and how it can be implemented within time constraints.

About the Presenter:

Joe Bull

Joe Bull is founder and principal of Philanthropy Advisory Council. With 35 years of experience in the philanthropic arena, he has served as assistant vice president of development at Carnegie Mellon University, senior vice president for community engagement at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, and senior philanthropy officer for global priorities at The Nature Conservancy. Joe provided 16 years of service to his alma mater, The Ohio State University, primarily as director of planned giving, and he began his career at Duke and North Carolina State Universities. He was the 2005 board chair of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners and is currently president-elect of the American Council on Gift Annuities Board of Directors. He was a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for Planned Giving Today for 15 years and is past president of the Central Ohio and North Carolina Planned Giving Councils. He is admitted to the Ohio and North Carolina bars.


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