Presented by:
Joe Bull
Founder and Principal
Philanthropy Advisory Council, LLC.
Both gift planning and major gift officers often encounter situations where tax consequences impact the type and amount of a donor's gift. While you may be conversant in tax lingo, do you truly understand the theory of the underlying tax principles, how the various tax issues interact with each other, and how they affect a gift?
This session is designed to give you a solid foundation of tax basics so that you can speak confidently with donors while knowing your limits.
We encourage you to invite all of your major gift colleagues to this session. This will provide you with both a common understanding and avenues for ongoing dialogue and collaboration.
Joe Bull is founder and principal of Philanthropy Advisory Council, LLC. Through his consultancy, he currently serves as interim vice president of advancement at Wilmington College. With 36 years of experience in the philanthropic arena, he has held senior advancement leadership positions at Carnegie Mellon University, The Nature Conservancy, and the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. Joe provided 16 years of service to his alma mater, The Ohio State University, primarily as director of planned giving and has held gift planning positions at Duke and North Carolina State Universities. He was the 2005 board chair of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners and is the 2021-22 president of the American Council on Gift Annuities. As such, he is only the second person in 35 years to have held the top leadership position at both of charitable gift planning's professional organizations. Joe was a member of the Planned Giving Today editorial advisory board for 15 years. He is admitted to the Ohio and North Carolina bars.
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