The Pentera Blog

Cultivating Centers of Influence

Do you know your donors' advisors? Do you offer technical information to the legal and financial community?

Consider sharing the technical information you offer with a select group of your donors, and asking them if they think their own advisors would like to receive, or have access to, the information. Many planned gift arrangements – wills and trusts – are created by your donors and their advisors without the knowledge or input from the charity. If your donors will give you the names of their advisors, you can expand the list of professionals who advise your donors, and increase the cultivation of those individuals who have the most influence with your donors and prospects.

Bringing your message directly to your donors' advisors should help them better understand your organization and how their clients can best fulfill their philanthropy and assist your mission.

For additional information about how you can use Pentera's services to market to professional advisors, please visit our Web site at, e-mail, or call us at 317-875-0910 x251.