The Pentera Blog

Does Your 2011 Marketing Plan Forget an Important Event?

Each new year brings with it a fresh start, new challenges and, of course, new opportunities to engage your donors. Planning your 2011 marketing strategy offers you the perfect opportunity to analyze your donor's interests and the upcoming events that will play a role in their lives and find fresh, new ways to engage them. As you're developing that strategy, remember that including planned-giving tips in marketing materials such as newsletters and postcards for special events your organization hosts can be a wonderful way to promote the event while educating your potential donors on how they can help your organization.

For educational institutions it may be a class reunion, or for cultural or healthcare organizations it may be your big annual fundraiser–whatever the event may be, it's the perfect opportunity to promote planned giving to an audience that is already excited about what you are doing. Those who attend your events are often faithful annual givers who may be in a better financial position now than ever before. By reminding them that they can make a gift and still meet their personal obligations, you could help them create a lasting legacy through your organization.

Tips for including planned-giving marketing in your event materials:

  • Market the gifts that make most sense for your audience's life stage (for example, gift annuities for older groups and deferred gift annuities for younger groups, bequests for a cross-section)

  • For reunion appeals, use photos from the era of the class year, and ask donors from the class to help your organization by providing a quote along with their name, photo, and class year
  • For your annual fundraiser, include photos from last year's event in the piece you choose to send out

  • As an incentive for your donors to contact you, include a giveaway in your event-related marketing pieces

For more information about Pentera's integrated marketing strategies, please visit, email, or call 317-875-0910 x251.