The Pentera Blog

Five More Legacy Dreams to Explore With Your Donors


Continuing our exploration of donor legacy dreams from last week, here are five additional motivators to explore with your potential donors. Take some time to discover what drives donors' philanthropic planned giving and how your organization can help them satisfy those goals.

Caring for the Community
Some donors are openly civic minded. They may appreciate the community service your organization provides and feel motivated to ensure that such services continue

Fulfilling a Higher Purpose
Many people of faith believe in giving a percentage of income to charity. Faith-based donors may be motivated by doing the right thing and adhering to their religious traditions and teachings.

Aiding the Underdog
Some people are motivated to help those in need. They may care about issues related to those individuals or groups who are marginalized. Issues related to poverty, addictions, mental illness, youth, the elderly, and so on may appeal to the donor's sense of justice and fairness.

Problem Solving
Donors like to know that their gifts will make a difference in solving problems. They may want to know how their gift will resolve a vexing issue, and they may desire tangible results.

Advancing a Cause
Donors may see themselves as mavericks, spearheading a gift that creates technological advancements, whether in medicine, environmental breakthroughs, or campus innovations. They may be drawn to your organizational mission and, more importantly, to your vision for making that mission a reality.

Legacy dreams are a useful area to delve into as you discuss planned giving options with your donors. Find out what legacy your donors want to leave. Then work to help them achieve it!

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