The Pentera Blog

Innovative Marketing With QR (Quick Response) Codes

A new marketing device has arrived on the scene: QR (Quick Response) codes. While QR codes have been used in Japan since the early 90's, they have only recently made their way for marketing use in the United States. If you're wondering, "What is a QR code?" you're not alone. But don't worry. If you've heard of smartphones, then you're not too far off the technology trail.

What is a QR code?

Basically, a QR code is a two-dimensional bar code that links to links to a URL. For instance, a QR code could contain the URL for your planned-giving website;s homepage or contact us page, making access by potential donors that much easier.

How does it work?

A QR code image is displayed–in a newsletter, direct-mail package, postcard, brochure, etc. The image is then scanned by the recipient using the camera on their smartphone (via an app they've previously downloaded ), which then takes them to the designated URL, or web page.

QR Code Sample:

If a consumer sees a marketing piece for a product and there is a QR code image, he or she can use a phone camera to immediately obtain more detailed data and, in some instances, purchase the item displayed. At present, smartphones have QR code scanners for download capabilities.

Is a QR code helpful in planned-giving marketing materials?

Absolutely! A newsletter, brochure, or QuickCard can easily display a QR code. For instance, a QR code could be added along with your planned-giving Web site URL as another method for contacting you. A potential donor can simply scan your planned-giving website URL, rather than typing it in, and quickly access whatever page you want them to go to. Because a QR code image links a donor to your website, the QR code itself does not require updates. Any updates or changes are made directly on your website.

Contact Pentera, Inc. today to learn more about how a QR code can enhance your organization's planned-giving materials. We are happy to answer any questions you might have on this latest, innovative marketing tool. Email us at or call us at 317.875.0910, ext. 251.