The Pentera Blog

Is Your Marketing Properly Integrated?

Times change. So must your approach to planned-giving marketing. Incorporating Integrated Marketing into your overall communication strategy is essential. What exactly is Integrated Marking? And how does it apply to your planned-giving office?

First, let's look at what it's not. Integrated Marketing is not sticking with what worked in the planned-giving field 10 or 20 years ago and simply hoping for the best. It's also not–as the saying goes–putting all your eggs in one basket.

As the world rapidly embraces new communication tools, your planned-giving office must work to stay current. Like the horse and buggy, organizations that fail to keep abreast of modern trends may get left behind. Marketing has entered a new era. To communicate effectively with today's donors–and the donors of tomorrow–your office must obtain the skills, capabilities, and resources to reach them. And Integrated Marketing is how you do so.

Integrated Marketing is a systematic approach to utilizing multiple marketing channels in a way that harmonizes the various elements. In our fast-paced, communications-driven world, your marketing mediums will likely include:

  • Interactive Planned-Giving Website
  • Custom, Mission-Based Print Newsletters
  • Engaging Postcards or QuickCards
  • Follow-up Brochures
  • E-Newsletters and E-Brochures
  • Social Media

The next step is to integrate and harmonize these communication methods so your donors can quickly identify your organization when they receive or read your planned-giving materials.

Branding: With the consistent use of colors, slogans, symbols, and logos in all your marketing materials, your donors are not confused when they receive your newsletter or browse your website. They recognize immediately that the information is from a trusted source, and they associate the materials with your organization and its mission. Branding accross channels is also essential to your donors' recognizing you when they encounter your marketing in new mediums.

Cross-Channel Marketing: Connecting with your donors through varied–but consistently branded–communication channels allows for greater access to potential donors and increased likelihood of your message reaching its intended audience in their preferred channel. Your organization is no longer limited by an "all or nothing" marketing plan that has only one tool in the toolbox. Versatility is key to successful marketing in today's ever-expanding communication networks.

At Pentera, marketing is our forte. Our expertise in Integrated Marketing ensures that your message connects with more donors–more effectively. When you Partner with Pentera, we put our resources and skills to work so you reach your planned-giving goals. Contact us today to see how we can help you reach your donors through contemporary integrated, cross-channel marketing strategies.