The Pentera Blog

Visual Tips That Make a Difference

In marketing materials, visuals can make a huge impact on what gets read by your potential donors. Most people do not automatically read everything that comes their way - especially in the current "info" age. They read those materials that catch their interest and that they find engaging. But what a reader finds engaging (or not of interest) often occurs before they ever get to the text.

So what can be done in estate-planning documents to reach your audience?

The "Z pattern" is the natural path the eye follows across a printed page. The eye starts at the top left of the page or spread and follows a Z shape across the page. You can control the eye as it moves across the page with the use of imagery and other graphic elements to retain control of reader eye movement. People will look at images on a page before reading the body of your material.

Consider the following tips:

Strategic Location of Photos

Readers will follow the eye-gaze motion of the person in a photograph. Use this to your advantage and have the person gazing at an item on the page you want to call attention to. Avoid having a person looking off the page because that is the direction the reader's eye will go.

Engaging Headlines and Captions

Newspapers have long understood the power of captivating headlines. While estate-planning captions and headlines should not generate fear, they do need to be compelling enough to get your reader's attention.

Use of Block Text and Call-Outs

Brief blocks of text and quotes separated from the text let the reader know whether the rest of the material is worth reading. It draws their attention and interest to the piece.

Arrows, Bullets, and Numbering

Have arrows or other graphic elements that point to a concept you would like to draw attention to. Arrows, bullets, and numbering can also help break up otherwise complex text so that it is more readily understood.

Make sure your visuals measure up. You don't want to lose your readers before they have an opportunity to learn why your organization and its mission deserves their attention.

For additional planned-giving marketing best practices, please visit our Web site at, e-mail, or call us at 317-875-0910 x251.