The Pentera Blog

Is Your Planned-Giving Web Site Stale?

Your planned-giving Web site can be a valuable resource for your potential donors. It can educate them about the benefits of making a gift, inspire them through touching stories from other donors, and motivate them to leave their legacy by making a gift to your organization. But has the content on your Web site passed its expiration date?

While your Pentera planned-giving Web site is continuously updated to ensure its technical accuracy, it's just as important to ensure that the rest of the content on your site is updated on a regular basis to keep your potential donors engaged and interested. Updating your site doesn't need to be a chore or a large undertaking, however. Simple updates made on a quarterly basis can keep your site fresh and interesting without requiring a great deal of time and effort.

The main point of focus for updating your site should be your homepage. The homepage of your planned-giving Web site is your first (and possibly your only) opportunity to entice your potential donors deeper into the site. By offering fresh content on a regular basis, you ensure that your donors will always have something new and intriguing to catch their attention. Updates to your homepage can be as simple as adding a feature highlighting a part of the site that you haven't previously focused on or including a new donor story that celebrates a recent gift to your organization.

Remember, your planned-giving Web site can't be a true resource for your potential donors if it's static. By making these simple, quarterly updates you not only keep your site fresh and interesting but you also provide your donors with a reason to keep coming back.

To find out more about how to keep your site fresh and interesting, contact us at, 317-875-0910 x251, or visit